Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Google Sucks

This is my first, and may very well be my last blog post.
Why? My blog is hosted by Google. I'm probably an idiot, but here goes.

Google Chrome Sucks
Ads for Google Chrome claimed "pages load faster" and "it's not typical". Well congradulations Google, you've made the worst browser known to man! Despite being run owned and operated by Google, you don't include the Google searchbar in your browser. You have to redirect to Google, and then search. Google also apparently hates Hulu. Whenever loading a video on Hulu, it at first says "Sorry we couldn't load the video, try reloading the Cache". Don't try reloading the cache, the tools on Google Chrome are a mess, just refresh, then it works. Sometimes. Lame. Pages don't load faster, and in some cases they don't load at all. Even worse, they load with messed up layouts. Google Chrome sucks!

Gmail sucks.
Seriously bad. I don't really know why, because I haven't used my account in years, but it sucks I guarantee.

Google search is intolerant
Go to Google and type the words "Christianity is". Don't press enter, just see what pops up as suggestions. Now type "Buddhism is", "Hinduism is", even "Atheism is" and you'll get similar results. Now type "Islam is". Nothing. Nothing at all. Google clearly shows preference here, and there are probably other examples. Not making this up.

Google ads suck
In any browser, whenever I click on an ad hosted by Google, it redirects to a dead page. I don't click their ads anymore.

Google ruined YouTube
It's no secret that YouTube has changed. They now post movies, shows and music videos liscenced by corporations. They have separate pages for "popular" and most viewed videos. Popular are only videos posted by YouTube Partners (and corporate masters). Furthermoe, videos "being watched right now" are all YouTube partners. YouTube holds certain users to different standards than others, and new users are purposefully buried beneath the YouTube partners. Why? Because Google bought it. And for Google, it's all about the bottom line.

As if the above thing with the religious searches isn't enough, Google shut down websites entitled,, and, and bought up the domain names so no one could use them.

Google will rule the world, unless YOU stop them! Let's hope they don't censor me.

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