Saturday, January 1, 2011

Worst Movies of 2010, well that I saw.

This list is from worst to best, cuz I wanted to. Deal with it.

Keep in mind I don't go see that many movies, and I typically go to movies I think I'll like.

1. The Worst Movie of the Year--Grown Ups.

This was a waste of a good cast. Wait, no it was a waste of a bad cast. There was nothing to waste. Just a horrible movie, only one laugh in the whole thing, and it was like 2 minutes in. A truly miserable experience.

2. The Last Airbender

Predictable? Well it was really bad what can I say? Way to ruin a good show, and I've finally given up on Shyamalan. Took me long enough though, didn't it.

3. Robin Hood

Wow, just wow. What a horrible mis-fire. Everything they could have done to make this a good Robin Hood movie, they did the opposite thing. Just horrible.

4. Tron Legacy

BOOOOOOOOORING! Seriously, the most boring light-show I've ever paid to see. Aside from some cool scenes at the beginning and a nice soundtrack, this is a total waste of time and money.


You know it. Had to have a little controversy. Nothing happened in this movie, nothing. Nothing. Nothing. It wasn't boring, but it was meaningless. Such a disappointment after the first movie.

Dis-Honorable Mention: Prince of Persia Sands of Time

Yeah, this should have been #5, but I put Iron Man 2 to be controversial. Sue me.

NEXT TIME: The top 5 Best movies of 2010 (that I saw in 2010.

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