Friday, November 19, 2010

JK Rowling wanted more money, good job folks.

Harry Potter is way too long. Individually, and overall. Should have been a trilogy, as I will demonstrate.

Book 1-Needed, fine just as long as it should be.

Book 2-What happened? Well we found out that Harry Potter's not Slytherin's heir...which is a problem we didn't have before this book. So basically, just some foreshadowing, which could easily have been worked in elsewhere.

Book 3-Sirius Black escapes from jail, which happens at the beginning...and we find out he's not evil and who really betrayed Harry's parents to their death. But at the cost of some 500 pages, I can't help but think it's pretty drawn out.

Book 4-Some bullcrap contest which has no importance to the overall plot, and Voldemort comes back. Finally, something important happens! Things are really gonna heat up next time right?

Book 5-Wrong, nothing happens. at all. Okay, Sirius dies, but come on, that's literally the only important thing.

Book 6-Once again, not much happens until the end. Books 2-6 could easily have been combined.

Book 7-Never read it, haven't seen movie, can't say, but I'm gonna say it could have easily been book 3.

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