Monday, July 26, 2010

Thoughts on Comic Con News-So Far

So for those of you living under an iceberg in the north sea, trapped in a nursing home at the bottom of the ocean, or stuck in the delusion that Two and a Half Men is a good show, Comic-con is currently going on right now.

The first thing I want to talk about is Mega-Mind. Dreamworks Animation's new movie has done little to excite me...until now. A 4 minute preview revealed a lot (dare I say too much) about the movie's premise and now I really want to see this movie. Without spoiling anything, there is a very dark, very audacious twist. I think you should go see the film without knowing it, so I suggest avoiding trailers and previews from here on out, but dang, they went there.

No.2, the new teaser for Pirates of the Caribbean 4. When I say teaser, I really just mean Jack Sparrow talking to the camera for about two minutes...somehow this managed to excite me. This was really surprising, because I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE At World's End. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'm guessing nostalgia is what makes me want to see this, that and the hope that they can redeem themselves.

"Teaser" for Pirates 4

And now to the controversial stuff. The full cast of the Avengers was finally revealed.

Nick Fury-Samuel L. Jackson
Tony Stark/Iron Man-Robert Downey Jr.
Black Widow-Scarlett Johannsen.
Thor-Chris Hemsworth
Captain America-Chris Evans
The Hulk-Mark Ruffalo
Hawkeye-Jeremy Renner

So...the only real surprise here is Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk, which I'm unsure about. What I am sure about, is that this movie will SUCK. Why? Because two of the movies it will follow, Thor and Captain America will SUCK. The Incredible Hulk SUCKED. Iron Man 2 was...mediocre. I have no faith in this movie what-so-ever. Mark my words, it will be a disaster of epic proportions, looked back upon with the same disdain as Batman and Robin and Superman 4.

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