Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inception: Best Movie Ever?

Just (literally just now) got back from Inception. Wow.

Anything I say about the movie will practically be a spoiler. Suffice to say. Wow. GO SEE THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW! Actually, you can wait for DVD, because even on DVD this movie will still be awesome. Not one for the kids though, they will be confused, and rightly so (as a matter of fact some adults might find themselves lost at certain points).

What can I even say? The script is amazingly layered with more twists and turns than any roller coaster ever built. That's actually a pretty good metaphor for this movie. While many compare your typical action fair to a roller coaster, this movie is a roller-coaster of the mind. The acting is superb from all parties and enhances the story greatly, the direction is solid and the effects are all great, but story is the key player here.

The only thing keeping this from being the perfect film, is the last three seconds. Instead of the satisfying ending we all want, something happens that keeps it away from us. I will say that the final twist remains in the spirit of the film, but for me personally it felt like a slap in the face.

My final rating is still 4/4 stars, but it could have been a 4.1. OR COULD IT! We may never know!!!!

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