Monday, May 17, 2010

Complex Math Equations=Movie Quality

1. Robin Hood (Altered Folklore) + Ridley Scott (Director: Gladiator, Braveheart) + Russel Crowe (Actor: A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator) = Robin Hood (Generic Film Fail)

Robin Hood (Folklore) - Fun (Attribute) = Robin Hood (Altered Folkore)
Ridley Scott = Ridley Scott
Ridley Scott + Robin Hood (Altered Foklore) = Robin Hood (Genius new Vision)
Robin Hood (Genius New Vision) + Studio Interference = Robin Hood (Generic Film)
Robin Hood (Generic Film) + Russel Crowe = Robin Hood (Generic Film Fail)

2. Sherlock Holmes (Series of Novels) + Guy Ritchie (Director: RocknRolla, Snatch) + Robert Downey Jr. = Sherlock Holmes (Fun Film Win)

Sherlock Holmes (Series of Novels) = Fail
Sherlock Holmes (Series of Novels) + Film Adaptation = Much Less Fail
Sherlock Holmes (Film Adaptation) + Guy Ritchie = Sherlock Holmes (Potential Great Film)
Sherlock Holmes (Character) + Robert Downey Jr = Sherlock Holmes (Potential Great Character)
Sherlock Holmes (Potential Great Film) + Sherlock Holmes (Potential Great Character) = Sherlock Holmes (Fun Film Win)

3. Iron Man (Original Film) + Don Cheadle + Scarlett Johanssen + Samuel L. Jackson + Sam Rockwell + Mickey Rourke + Gary Shandling - Terrence Howard - Origin + Boring Midsection = Iron Man 2 (Mediocre Film Meh)

Self explanatory.

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